C2: Written and oral test marks. September.

Here are the marks of the students who took the written and/or oral test in September:

Exam review by email upon request.

Official results on the Internet: 17th September. The platform where you can see the official marks is Web Mirador. You can access it using your NRP (número de registro personal). If you don’t know your NRP, go to  https://www.murciaeduca.es/eoicartagena/sitio/index.cgi?wid_item=13&wid_seccion=3

Appeals: 17th, 18th & 21st September.

If you want to register for the 2020/2021 school year, check out the school’s website regularly: https://www.murciaeduca.es/eoicartagena/sitio/ You can also call the school and ask for information.

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C2: oral exam. Schedule 14 September 2020.

Here is the schedule for the C2 oral exam (individual performance + interaction) and oral mediation on 14th September:

5-6: Juan P. + Esther

ID de reunión: 932 0742 5184


6-7: Juan A. + Elena J.

ID de reunión: 925 7561 2021


7-8: Javier P. B. + Amparo

ID de reunión: 951 9924 5713


In case you need to enter a “Contraseña”, the common one for all of the video conferences is “Pablo”.

Here I have tried to keep your names as short as possible, in order to keep your privacy, seeing as this blog is public.

A fellow teacher of mine will be on the video conference as well. She’ll be assessing your performance too, as two teachers are required at this kind of test.

I’ll record your exam, but I strongly recommend that you record it too. You can easily record yourselves while you talk (audio is enough) using your mobile phone. This way, if I give you feedback on your performance after I publish the marks, you will be able to listen to yourselves again and spot the phrases I point out to you.

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C2: Written test marks. September.

Here are the marks of the students who took the written test in September:

As regards the oral exam and the oral mediation, it’s on Monday 14th September from 4:30 on. I will text J. P., the representative, in order to give you the options for the schedule, the different gaps you can choose. You can pair up yourselves on the whatsapp group and pick a time. J.P. will let me know the schedule that comes up. Then I will post the different links to the different video conferences on the blog. If somebody has no partner, it’s no big deal – I will ask another student to repeat the interaction with them without being assessed.

You can take the oral exam and the oral mediation even if you didn’t take any part of the written exam in September.

Exam review by email upon request.

Official results on the Internet: 17th September. The platform where you can see the official marks is Web Mirador. You can access it using your NRP (número de registro personal). If you don’t know your NRP, go to  https://www.murciaeduca.es/eoicartagena/sitio/index.cgi?wid_item=13&wid_seccion=3

Appeals: 17th, 18th & 21st September.

If you fail and want to register for next school year, check out the school’s website regularly: https://www.murciaeduca.es/eoicartagena/sitio/ You can also call the school and ask for information.

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B2.1: September marks. Written and oral exam.

Here you are the marks of the written and oral exam of the B2.1M students: 

Exam review by email if you request it by writing to the teacher.

Official results on the Internet: 17th September. The platform where you can see the official marks is Web Mirador. You can access it using your NRP (número de registro personal). If you don’t know your NRP, go to  https://www.murciaeduca.es/eoicartagena/sitio/index.cgi?wid_item=13&wid_seccion=3

Appeals: 17th, 18th & 21st September.

To register for next school year, check out the school’s website regularly: https://www.murciaeduca.es/eoicartagena/sitio/ You can also call the school and ask for information.

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B2.1. September oral exam.

Here is the link to access the video conference for the B2.1 oral exam:

ID de reunión: 949 5301 5154
Código de acceso: Pablo

Day: Tuesday 8th September.

Time: 6 pm.

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B2.1: Written test marks. September.

Here are the marks of the students who took the written test in September:

I will post a link to a videoconference on Zoom for the oral exam.

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Safety measures.

The students who attend an in-person exam at the school must comply with the following instructions in order to ensure safety and health:
Instrucciones alumnado examenes septiembre 2020

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C2: reminder about written exam.

As you know, on Monday 7th September is the C2 written exam exam: https://pabloteacher1.wordpress.com/2020/08/08/c2-written-and-oral-exam-2020-more-instructions/

Let me share with you some considerations about the written exam, which you already know, but just as a reminder. I’m going to copy and paste the information (thus my Spanish):

1-La Mediación está subdividida en Mediación Escrita y Mediación Oral. Sin embargo, la Mediación se considera una sola Actividad de Lengua (antes llamada destreza). La calificación global de la Mediación será la media de las puntuaciones obtenidas en cada una de las dos partes. De este modo, un alumno puede aprobar una de las dos partes de la Mediación y aún así suspender la Mediación de manera global, si la media de la nota de ambas mediaciones es inferior al 50%. Si el alumno está en esta situación (en junio aprobó una de las dos partes de la mediación pero la calificación global de la Mediación es No Apto), en septiembre deberá repetir ambas partes de la Mediación (oral y escrita).

2-Si el alumno decide presentarse a una o varias Actividades de Lengua (destrezas) en septiembre con la intención de obtener Apto en todas las Actividades de Lengua, alcanzar el 65% de media y poder certificar, renuncia a la calificación obtenida en junio. El alumno puede presentarse a cuantas AL desee, no necesariamente a las que tenga entre 50%-65%, a fin de aumentar la media.

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Aclaraciones sobre la Mediación.

La Mediación está subdividida en Mediación Escrita y Mediación Oral. Sin embargo, la Mediación se considera una sola Actividad de Lengua (antes llamada destreza). La calificación global de la Mediación será la media de las puntuaciones obtenidas en cada una de las dos partes. De este modo, un alumno puede aprobar una de las dos partes de la Mediación y aún así suspender la Mediación de manera global, si la media de la nota de ambas mediaciones es inferior al 50%. Si el alumno está en esta situación (en junio aprobó una de las dos partes de la mediación pero la calificación global de la Mediación es No Apto), en septiembre deberá repetir ambas partes de la Mediación (oral y escrita).

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C2: written and oral exam September 2020. More instructions.

SECURITY MEASURES FOR STUDENTS: Instrucciones alumnado examenes septiembre 2020


7th September. Room 2. Access A (walk in through the pedestrian entrance, walk into the building through the main door and walk upstairs using the main stairs; follow the same path on your way out).

Students must show up at school 10 minutes prior to the time of the part(s) of the exam that they will take. Skill schedule: https://pabloteacher1.wordpress.com/2020/07/25/c2-skill-schedule-for-the-written-exam-in-september-2020/

ORAL EXAM: 14th September, from 4:30 on. It will be done online, as opposed to what I told you before. We have just received instructions enforcing us to conduct oral exams online. We will be using the platform Zoom. Keep an eye on the blog for the link to access the video conference.

EXAM REVIEW: It will be done online, as opposed to what I told you before. We have just received instructions enforcing us to conduct online exam reviews. So, whoever  wants to have a look at their exam must write to me at pablo.nicolas2@murciaeduca.es

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